Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Week 2 Microsoft Publisher

Today we were introduced to Microsoft Publisher. I found this exercise very interesting, as I have always vaguely wondered what Publisher was, without wondering enough to explore it. What I discovered today was that it is very useful software indeed!!

We toyed with two of its programs: Pamphlet making and website making. I was surprised how useful these two tools were, and how simple it was to produce these two documents with a minimum of fuss. Is making a website SO simple?

Re the pamphlet. In no time at all I had a serviceable document that could be printed out and distributed. With some further experimentation and some more in depth application, I'm certain I could make a professional looking pamphlet.

The same for the website. I had barely used it for 5 minutes before I had a website with links to my resume, awards and achievements, and professional philosophy.

The session on Publisher, while it enlightened me with regards to what Publisher actually did, only made me realise that Pages on Mac has templates that create beautiful pamphlets and posters, far superior in quality of design than those on Publisher. I didn't realise the potential of Pages, and how it was a kind of Publisher equivalent.

I will be using that instead of Publisher to develop my e-folio. However, I don't think there is a Mac equivalent when it comes to the website making. This may be just my ignorance; I am fairly new to Mac computers. So I may need to jump on a PC to develop a website for my e-folio, using Publisher.

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